Interpersonal Communication Assessment
Have your team, your management or your entire company's communication skills assessed. With the Interpersonal Communication Assessment Geralyn will evaluate the unique communication styles of your people. She will highlight areas of strength and weakness. Ultimately, Geralyn will train your employees the best way to communicate with one another for the highest level of efficiency. She will develop your managers into motivators to help your company soar to new heights. The right kind of Communication is key to efficiency. Call Intuitive Business Coach Geralyn St Joseph Now for a more prosperous tomorrow.
808 261-7866 or
Motivational Talks and Seminars for Business
The Magical Manager – Getting the most from your employees
Hiring Basics – What you need to know and what you need to look for
Firing Basics – How many chances do you give?
The Power of the Employee Schedule – increase profit, decrease turnover
The Truth about Low Cost Marketing
Marketing in Cyberspace or the key to effective Internet marketing
What is your website doing for you? Website uses and possibilities
Lost & Found in Cyberspace – 10 Do’s & Don’ts of Search Engine Optimization
Much ado about Google – What is Google & How to make it work for you
Making your website intuitive – What does that mean?
What’s ROI? And how do I know if I have it?
Creating an advertising budget for every business
Advertising and Marketing Essentials
What is SEO [Search Engine Optimization]?
Print or Internet? Where DO My Ads Need to Be?
Now I have a website – How do I get People to look at it?
---Let me know if there are other topics of interest.
Something a bit different
Can be given as 45min info talk to several hour or multi-day seminar:
Esoteric Tarot With Geralyn St. Joseph GOOD FOR BUSINESS
As an intro to using the tarot I give an hour overview and present you with ways to use the tarot to inspire your creativity and help you overcome the blocks that inhibit your decision-making and problem solving abilities.
Learn to use the Tarot as a tool to develop your intuition. With this unusual method of teaching the Tarot, you will open your intuition & be able to read any deck by the end of the full course. We begin with the Rider-Waite Deck because it contains the most esoteric symbolism in my opinion.
I teach the full course 2 ways: Freshman and accelerated. The accelerated course is for people with a basic understanding of the symbolism in the Tarot. They need an understanding of astrology, numerology, Qabbalah and such. All the info is given in 3 six-hour days.
I prefer to teach at a slower pace so that the students really absorb all the information. This method takes six to eight weeks, each lesson is 1-1/2 to 2 hours. By the third or fourth lesson you should be able to do a simple one to three card spread. The course is $425.
– additional classes available for those interested in becoming a professional or simply learning more about the method of reading others Additional lessons include: ethics, how to deliver news people don't want to hear, choosing the right deck for you, & so on.
Completing the Circle – Path to Self-Empowerment GOOD FOR BUSINESS
Let’s get motivated! Overcome the subconscious fears and doubts that keep you from success. Completing the Circle will help guide you to fulfillment. Make the decision to be happy. Let me share my path with you, so that you may find your own way. Take the time to know yourself & reconnect with Spirit. Jump into the flow to find your success!
The Whole Self - Path of Self Healing GOOD FOR BUSINESS
Follow the path of the chakkra system to rebuild your whole Self. Make sure each of these important energy systems is functioning properly. Learn how to maintain a healthy chakkra system and to recognize when you are out of balance. Take the time to know your Self, bring your Self to its fullness & reconnect with Spirit.
Meditation – Drawing in the Light GOOD FOR BUSINESS
For beginners or practiced students, drawing in the Light helps one in a number of ways including; protection, cleansing and gaining energy. Don’t sit at your desk and doze – take a few moments and recharge!
Fun Activities for your Corporate Event
Gallery style psychic readings – individuals ask questions
Signature analysis – 5-7 minutes per person [can do a longer reading this way also] Can be done with a general lesson – what to look for in handwriting when hiring, what you can change in your own handwriting for personal growth
Paranormal Activity Q & A – open Q&A session on all things metaphysical from Angels to Quantum Physics
Mini-readings – 7 min or less psychic readings for individuals – Can be done using signatures, cards, gemstones, palms, pendulum
Let me know of any requests and I will let you know if I can accommodate.